
Broadstone Golf Club

Membership Fees

Our annual subscription year runs from May 1st to April 30th (pro rata available if you join mid-year) and our current fees are as follows:

Annual Fees - 2024/25

Full (Gentlemen & Ladies) £2088.00
Under 35 £1566.00
Under 30 £1044.00
Under 25


Country  £795.00
Overseas £795.00
Student (Full Time Education U26) £470.00
Junior 18 & under See Juniors info for prices
Non - Playing (on hold & Practice facilities) £160.00
Social £75.00
Over 80 Restricted* £918.00
Over 75 Restricted* £1566.00

Joining Fees

The joining fee at the Club is £2,500 for full membership. The joining fee for Under 35 membership is £1250 and for Under 30's is £900 & Under 25's is £600. The Joining fee for Student Membership is £200. The joining fee for country membership is £1,250. The joining fee may be paid in three instalments over three years if required.

* - This category is only available once a period of full membershp has expired.

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